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THE ELEPHANT'S GRAVEYARD Each player in this scenario must attempt to discover the legendary Elephant's Graveyard in a frantic hunt for food and gold. Providing large quantities of indispensable resources, the scenario will develop into a battle of who can maintain control of this mystical area. 1 - 4 PLAYERS ![]() KYOTO RESCUE The Yamoto Clan has stolen a legendary Greek artifact, and hidden it inside the city of Kyoto. A small Greek rescue team (Lead by the hero Jason) must negotiate both natural and man-made hazards, in a dangerous and difficult mission to recapture the artifact for Greece. 1 PLAYER ![]() KING SOLOMON'S FORTRESS The legendary King Solomon rules his kingdom from within his massive island fortress. Surrounded by merciless veteran soldiers and wealth unimaginable, two allied armies have arrived at his palace with the sole intent to destroy and pillage. Tiberius (Egyptian) and Jason (Greek) must lead their hordes through the fortress and kill the greatest of all kings. 2 PLAYERS ![]() MYSTIC ISLAND The mysterious island of Raalm has long been hidden from the eyes of the world.....until now. Stories tell of the island containing an unknown metal, capable of transforming ordinary swords into weapons of mythical brutality. Now, 4 brave heroes have arrived nearby with one common intention - to seek out the source of the legend. 1 - 4 PLAYERS ![]() HOSTAGE DELIVERY As a long a bitter war between Greece and Egypt rages, a small Greek infiltration team has managed to kidnap a prominent Egyptian diplomat. The team now faces the dangerous task of returning the diplomat (alive) to Greek territory for interrogation. Equipped only with bare resources - the Greek units musts overcome Egyptian mercenaries, eager to notch their blades. 1 PLAYER ![]() |